We've launched!

We've launched!

The moment is upon us. The time has come. The cat is finally being allowed out of the proverbial bag...! I am delighted to announce the launch of our new business: Bitcoin Mentor Australia. We're beyond excited! It's been a number of months since I started working on the project, in the shadows, but now it's ready to see the light of day. Let me share some key details, so you have a snapshot of what we're about.

The Team

As I created Bitcoin With Jake, frankly, I had no idea how impactful it was going to go on to be for me. It made a little money, true, but the key was actually what's turned out to be an investment in my social network. I got to know people, people got to know me. As a friend consequently stated correctly: "it's not who you know, it's who knows you".

One of my guests on the show, and now business partner, was Ben Perrin; otherwise known as BTC Sessions. He is one of the leading, if not the leading, Bitcoin educator globally. His YouTube channel BTC Sessions is absolutely fantastic. With Ben's deep insight into the Bitcoin world, we're able to leverage a world-class tech stack, meaning our clients will have nothing but the best in terms of information, hardware, and software.

Next up, and the team member that really got the ball rolling back in February this year, is Mike Cook. I'll never forget the video message he sent to me, laying out his plans for the soon-to-launch Bitcoin Mentor Canada, and how he foresaw myself a key player in a business in Australia. I was humbled. I was pumped. I immediately knew I had to get involved. The start of his video "Jake I've listened to a bunch of your content, but figured you don't know me, so I hope this helps" reflects excellently the power of podcasting.

Lastly, in terms of our core team, is my great friend Dale Warburton. The host of the "Why Bitcoin Show". An absolutely top guy who's podcast journey has also been a delight to watch unfold since we first met at the Bitcoin Bush Bash in Beechworth last year. Another superb example of the benefits to investing in your social capital, attending in-person meetup events, and throwing oneself into content creation.

I could not be happier to be working with these guys. A truly top-class team of talent, ready, able, and willing, to drive this new business forward. So what is it we're going to offer? Great question. Let me explain.

The Product

Wherever someone is on their Bitcoin journey, we can help them. Are you simply trying to figure out how to move Bitcoin from an exchange to your own self-custody? Or maybe you've managed to over-complicate your setup, and confused seed words with a passphrase? Whatever it might be, we will have the expertise to help you out.

At the end of the day, what really gets us buzzing, is financial self-sovereignty. What is better than being the boss of your own money? It's hard. Don't get me wrong. But the benefits are almost impossible to value. True financial freedom. How do we do that? Well we leverage our friend Bitcoin of course. It's a savings technology. It empowers the individual. In our experience, it's the best way to improve your happiness, health, and wealth.

So this business is a consultancy. We sell education. We're able to scan the marketplace for products and services, then recommend what we believe best suits the individual. This is where the depth of Ben's expertise really shines through. You are able to get setup in the same way as a guy who has spent now 8 years of their life, diving down the Bitcoin Rabbit Hole, for their YouTube audience of 330,000 people.

The Launch

We've been working on a bunch of things to bring our business to the world. Let me summarise just some of them:

  • WHY ARE WE BULLISH: This morning Dale and I joined Ben on his BTC Sessions show "Why Are We Bullish?" What a delight it was. Check out the recording, to get more details on what we're doing.
  • WHY BITCON SHOW: Keep your eyes peeled for an upcoming episode on Dale's podcast the "Why Bitcoin Show", in which he and I discuss what's got us so excited.
  • THE BITCOIN MENTOR PODCAST: Next week will also see the first episode released for "The Bitcoin Mentor Podcast". First up: Mike. Tune in to hear his journey. To say the least, his business pedigree, is precisely the kind of thing I love to see when re-applied to Bitcoin.
  • BITCOIN UNFILTERED: Lastly, Dale and I will be doing a weekly episode together, with the current working title of "Bitcoin Unfiltered". The first episode will drop 2nd week of July. 3 questions each, 1 hour, with nothing off limits.

You can expect to see updates from us across multiple forms of content, long-form, short-form, video, and podcast. It's going to be great fun. What opportunities there are all around us!

That's if from me for now.


Jake "we're live!!!" Woodhouse

Ps - if you have any questions at all, simply hit reply!