

Non-linear productivity potential

Where is this project going? I don't know. Do I need to know? Nope... That's the beauty of embracing a more intuitive iteration process. What comes to you in the moment is the way forward. It's comforting in a sense. There cannot be a wrong answer. I ask myself regularly: "how does it feel?"

To expand on this. I first emailed you, subscribers I am grateful to have picked up over the years, back on the 6th of May. I was apprehensive. Will they ignore me? Care? Hate me? It's a strange anxiety that hovers just before one clicks send. Indeed, it put me off writing another email until now.

I realised I was making more excuses. Did I use the right newsletter platform? Maybe they didn't receive it? Are they annoyed to have their inbox cluttered by my message? All valid thoughts. But largely unhelpful. To battle this, I realised quickly, I needed to reduce the barrier to writing.

I decided to focus back on Twitter. Just login. Write. And post. "Keep it simple stupid" rang around my head. And so I did. Everyday, without fail, I've jumped onto X as it's now called, and posted something I felt was of value. As always, the feedback mechanism that content creation allows was epic.

For example I wrote about my recent experience with physical real estate:

I shared the journey I've been on regenerating my eyes:

I even got fired up and threw out there some covid-19 related opinions:

It was fun. It felt good. It created value. Indeed, getting back into a rhythm was very helpful when it came to ideation and thesis development. You can see what sticks. I will endeavour to carry on. Why? Because I believe writing is one of the most powerful, yet super simple, tools that an entrepreneur has at their disposal.

In this case, it felt better to focus on X, and not pile up emails in your inboxes, which I admit had been my intention before. What feels like a logical next step, is that I will continue to post on X regularly, wait to see what floats to the top, and what sinks like a stone, to then expand on the popular topics here as a newsletter.

A weekly cadence is what has come to mind. Perhaps bi-weekly. But what's for sure is I don't want to get stuck in a rut in which I have to create. It's far better to leave things loose, allow the intuitive process to take you where it leads, and document that process along the way.

Point being: don't expect a structured newsletter at specific times. Let's see where this progress takes us. It is part of a wider creative process I am developing and a useful tool to build rapport, test ideas, and improve my own understanding. In my view writing is a forcing function for wisdom.

Finally, I am excited to share with you that I have just signed a shareholder agreement for a new business. It's a process that has been playing out alongside this content iteration I've been sharing. Indeed it's a great example of manifesting dreams into reality, and embracing the idea of non-linear productivity.

Everything we do doesn't have to make sense. All those moments you feel like you're wasting your time, or that you should just give up now, actually might prove to be important pieces to a future puzzle. I for one am starting to see this play out more and more. To echo my mother: "everything happens for a reason."

Anyways, as always, thank you for reading, one's attention is our most valuable asset.


Ps - Shout out to those of you that replied to my last email, but apologies, I hadn't got things setup properly. Hit reply now and I should get your message straight to my inbox.

Pps - I will of course reveal more details about the new business in due course. It's very exciting, is closely aligned with everything I hold dear, and is a fantastic opportunity to work with a top team.