One man, some intuition, and a creative process...

One man, some intuition, and a creative process...

"Well what the hell does that mean?" I hear you say... Totally fair enough. The truth is: I really don't know. But here's what I do know:

  • I am creative
  • I am learning to follow my intuition
  • I can feel something coming out of me

Indeed, after working on my creative flow lately, I have started affirmations of statements such as "I am an artist". Gosh. Even writing that here feels naughty. For the majority of my adult life I've pursued business in favour of artistry. Sculpture? No thanks. Music? Forget it. I saw talented people around me, and automatically gave up as a teenager. Equally, my Father's influence was very dismissive of anything obviously creative. "How will that make money?" I can hear him saying...

Well, now the tables are turning. The time has come! F*ck it. I am going to build a new website, around written content, and a podcast. Specifically I want to be able to write what I want, talk about what I want, with whomever I want, and whenever I want. This will not be your average newsletter. Indeed, there likely wont be all that much news. How often will you hear from me? I don't know. How long will each piece be? I don't know. What subject will I niche down on? I don't know.

The key is that I want to focus on my intuition, my mind, my spirit. What is it telling me? Where is it guiding me? Who is it going to attract? I need a wide open space to dive into. The open road. An ocean ready to explore. Our scarcest resource, and therefore our most valuable asset, is our time. So where we point our attention is therefore an infinitely interesting question. It's something I will endeavour to dive into.

So, where this project goes: I don't know exactly. Does it feel great to begin? Hell yeah! "Action leads to clarity" as one of my previous mentors likes to say. I am going to dive on in. Indeed, I've been working on a process of "create first, consume second", which is proving easier said than done. We live in a world of distraction, everywhere, all the time. So slowing down, focusing, and listening to what's inside is far harder than it should be.

Apple TV. Deleted. Twitter. Deleted. Nostr... Deleted. From my phone that is... My task is simple: one man, some intuition, and a creative process... With just an iphone and a clear head, I am confident I can create some excellent work, valuable to both myself and any potential reader. Maybe, just maybe, I am an artist... "JUST CLICK SEND JAKE" is reverberating through my head. Come on then!

Thank you,



Ps - I have your email from a number of previous projects I was involved in... No hard feelings at all if this is not for you, please unsubscribe.

Pps - no question is a stupid question. Just hit reply!