
Photo by Brands&People / Unsplash

Last week I returned to Australia after a whirlwind trip back to where I grew up, the UK, land of real ale, rolling green hills, drizzle; the definition of heading down memory lane.

Some family time, my late grandmother's funeral, and one of my best mate's weddings. 6 nights. 8 days away from the kids. A 33 hour retreat back. Safe to say it took a few days to recover!

To quote a conversation I had:

"I read your email Jake, but I didn't really understand the point, what are you selling?"

As readers of this project, you're aware that I've been working on a new creative process, testing tools, trying techniques, and following intuition as much as possible. But where is it taking me? As I already stated: "I don't know". But what's the point then? Well I truly believe that "action leads to clarity".

Do I need to know what I am selling? No. Do you need to know what I am selling? No. Will that become clear with time? Yes. Is it possible to, through trial, error, and manifestation, develop an offering? Of course. The key: I have your attention. For that I thank you.

Indeed, when I look at the open rates, I am hovering around the 50% mark. That's amazing. As reader's you're intrigued, of that there is no doubt. Next step: do not waste this precious opportunity. In fact. hone it, and nurture it. Time is our most scarce resource, I will not waste yours.

We live in a noisy world. Attention, via eyeballs and ears, is not to be under-estimated. In this case, I am very fortunate to have an audience that is interested to hear what comes next. It's like one is fishing, with content as bait, but putting back every catch for next time.

So why continue to read? Let me make some predictions:

  • July 1st 2024: I will have a new business live
  • July 2nd 2024: I will have a new book published

Will they offer value to you? I sure hope so. And if they don't? Well I have failed. As someone lucky to have a resource such as attention, it is then 0n me to reward that with outrageous value, and point it where I know they will get it. Keep your eye's peeled for the next update!

Thank you


Jake "watch out" Woodhouse

Ps - after some technical issues with email, you should now be able to simply hit "reply", I'd love to hear from you