About Me

Byron Bay 2024

Whether you're a close family member, an old friend from school, a recent business partner, or a digitally curious consumer of my content; this is the best place to learn what I am all about. Thank you for being here.

After years of being online, I never got around to building a personal website, in spite of it being something I really wanted to do. Things always "came up". Well it's May 2024. I feel the desire to up my game. Jake "Procrastination-House" no longer!

Exactly how this website gets built, I am not sure, so please bare with me as I do so. It will be done over time, as and when I am ready... But what I intend to do is construct an outlet for a creative process that I am working on. I like to write, speak, and ask lots of questions.

Expect content such as articles, books, podcasts, with consultancy services, products, and investment opportunities as well. I truly believe that as creative beings our interests evolve with time. I want to live that truth. If you have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to reach out on email to jake@jesw.xyz

Best, Jake. Brisbane. 09/05/2024

More About Me

Without going into a huge life story, (let's not bore you straight away!), I'll start at the beginning. My name is Jake Edward Sealy Woodhouse, I was born on 18/06/1988 in Salisbury, England, and most people call me Jake. In fact, yes as I know you're thinking, I rarely use either of my middle names Edward or Sealy...

Saying that, one thing the internet taught me is that there are a lot of "Jake Woodhouse's" out there, meaning I've never been able to get jakewoodhouse.com or @jakewoodhouse on a social media platform. So after many years of trial and error, I've decided to embrace the middle names, using my initials jesw in my web domain and handles.

At this time of writing I am 35 years old, married to my amazing wife Loz, with two daughters, and a third baby on the way. I grew up in a place called Dorset, on the south coast of the UK, until I was roughly 20. I've then lived in major cities such as Leeds, London, Singapore, and Melbourne; before now a stint in Byron Bay.

My life, like all of us, has had many twists and turns. The sudden death of my Father was a tough one, whilst I've had startups fail, and investments go sour. On the flip side, getting married, becoming a parent, and making friends all over the world has been wonderful.

I spend my time either parenting, travelling, or working on various projects I am involved in, which span business, content creation, and investment. Indeed, the very aim of this website, is to better showcase where my intellectual efforts are focused; I hope that that is proving to be the case!

Best, Jake. Brisbane. 09/05/2024

Previous Experience

Coming soon...